Friday, July 26, 2013


I have anxiety. (that post is up next on my list) When I am anxious, I get stressed. When I am stressed, I tend to fall into a depression sometimes. When I am anxious for longer periods of times, it leads to weeks like this week. I don't have a reason or certain thing that has made me anxious but I have been in a funk all week!

I have been a bookworm lately. I am on my third book for the month of July. These books are ones that I haven't been able to put down.
(side note: if you are looking for some good novels that are Christian-based but aren't about a bunch of goody-goodies, you NEED to check out Karen Kingsbury! I recommend starting with the Redemption series) 

In the book I'm reading right now (Book #3 of the Redemption series), there is one verse that keeps appearing in the book and every single time it comes up, it's like a slap in my face! (the good kind!)

 A thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance. John 10:10

My anxiety has been such a "thief" in my life. I can name multiple situations where I haven't experienced something or been able to do something because of it. But I have to remember that because of God's goodness and grace, I have a life aside from my anxiety. A life that anxiety can't steal from me. 

I get butterflies in my stomach when I think that I have a new body waiting for me in heaven! A body free of this thief that so often steals my joy, kills my spirit, and destroys my confidence. 

God is so good. His timing is so perfect! And I now have a new view of this "funk" I'm in

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